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分布式能源  2020, Vol. 5 Issue (1): 1-8    DOI: 10.16513/j.2096-2185.DE.1901124
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中国大唐集团科学技术研究院有限公司火力发电技术研究院,北京 石景山 100043
Research on Technological Path of Hydrogen Energy Industry Development
CAO Fan, CHEN Kunyang, GUO Tingting, JIN Xuliang, WANG Haigang, ZHANG Li
Institute of Thermal Power Generation Technology, China Datang Corporation Science and Technological Research Institute, Shijingshan District, Beijing 100043, China
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氢能具有低碳清洁、能量密度大和转化效率高等优点,有望在我国能源转型进程中发挥举足轻重的作用。分析了制氢、储氢和用氢等领域各项技术的研究现状与发展前景,在此基础上提出了可再生能源、综合能源服务园区耦合氢能发展的具体技术路径。固体聚合物(solid polymer electrolyte,SPE)电解制氢和固态材料储氢是制氢和储氢环节最具潜力的发展方向。用氢环节中氢燃料电池和天然气掺氢等技术应同步推进。弃风/弃光电解水制氢、风电/光伏离网制氢与燃料电池发电、加氢站供应、制甲醇以及天然气掺氢等技术有机结合将有效解决可再生能源制氢不经济和运输困难的问题,同时氢能可实现多种能源网络的互联,在未来综合能源服务园区内的应用前景非常广阔。

关键词: 氢能固体聚合物(SPE)电解固态材料储氢天然气掺氢可再生能源    

Hydrogen energy is expected to play an important role in China's energy transformation process due to its low carbon, clean, high energy density and high conversion efficiency. This paper analyzes the research status and development prospect of various technologies in the fields of hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and hydrogen utilization, and then the specific technical path of renewable energy and integrated energy service system coupled hydrogen energy are discussed. Solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) hydrogen production and solid material hydrogen storage are the most potential development direction of hydrogen production and storage. Hydrogen fuel cell and adding hydrogen into natural gas pipeline should be advanced simultaneously. The combination of water electrolysis using abandoning wind/photovoltaic or off-grid hydrogen production and fuel cell power generation, hydrogen station supply, methanol production and natural gas hydrogen mixing will effectively solve the problems of uneconomical and difficult transportation. Hydrogen can also realize the interconnection of multiple energy networks and has a very broad application prospect in the future integrated energy service system.

Key Wordshydrogen energysolid polymer electrolyte(SPE)solid material hydrogen storageadding hydrogen into natural gas pipelinerenewable energy
收稿日期: 2019-08-23
ZTFLH:  TK91  
作者简介: 曹蕃(1988—),男,博士,高级工程师,主要从事电厂环保和氢能方向的研究,;|陈坤洋(1986—),女,博士,高级工程师,主要从事燃煤烟气重金属协同脱除和氢能方向研究;|郭婷婷(1973—),女,博士,高级工程师,主要从事电厂污染物排放控制,新能源等方面的研究;|金绪良(1979—),男,硕士,正高级工程师,主要从事电厂化学,新能源等方面的研究;|王海刚(1980—),男,博士,高级工程师,主要从事电厂环保,新能源等方面的研究;|张 丽(1994—),女,硕士,工程师,主要从事电厂化学,新能源等方面的研究。


曹蕃, 陈坤洋, 郭婷婷, 金绪良, 王海刚, 张丽. 氢能产业发展技术路径研究[J]. 分布式能源, 2020, 5(1): 1-8.
CAO Fan, CHEN Kunyang, GUO Tingting, JIN Xuliang, WANG Haigang, ZHANG Li. Research on Technological Path of Hydrogen Energy Industry Development[J]. Distributed Energy, 2020, 5(1): 1-8.

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表1  电解水技术对比
表2  储氢技术对比
图1  可再生能源耦合氢能发展技术路径图
图2  综合能源服务园区耦合氢能发展技术路径图
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